Discover your inner Dio, Bruce or Tarja and join us as we bring heavy metal to Melbourne - as a badass choir!
Heavy Choir is the only dedicated choir for people who love metal and rock. We welcome all abilities, so you don't need any formal singing experience or musical skill to join, and there are no auditions.
It doesn't matter if you're a shower power singer, classically trained, or fronted a high school band 30 years ago - being a metalhead is for life, and we believe anyone can learn to sing, build confidence, and make new mates for life along the way.
So even if you've never been in a choir before, if you love singing HEAVY music, then HEAVY CHOIR is for YOU!
For metalheads who
want to sing heavy!
Singing with people does all kinds of good stuff for our brains and emotional wellbeing. And what better than to belt out music you actually love with people who absolutely get it?
Heavy Choir sings tribute to heavy metal music, and offers the benefits of social singing to unite metalheads in a one-of-a-kind creative choral community.